გულყვითელას მედიცინაში ფართო გამოყენება აქვს. გულყვითელას ყვავილები გამოიყენება როგორც ანთების საწინააღმდეგო და ანტისეპტიკური საშუალება. შიგნით მიღებისას მას გააჩნია ნაღველმდენი მოქმედება. მედიცინაში სამკურნალო გულყვითელას იყენებენ ჭრილობების, მათ შორის ჩირქოვანის, დამწვრობის, მოყინვის და სხვათა სამკურნალოდ. გულყვითელა წარმატებით გამოიყენება გინეკოლოგიაში - საშვილოსნოს ყელის ეროზიისა და კოლპიტების დროს. სწორი ნაწლავის ლორწოვანი გარსის ანთების დროს ხმარობენ ოყნის სახით (ამისათვის 1 ჩაის კოვზ გულყვითელას სპირტოვან ნაყენს ჩაის ჭიქა წყალში განაზავებენ). გულყვითელას ხმარობენ პირის ღრუში გამოსავლებლად ანთებითი პროცესის დროს (1 ჩაის ჭიქა სპირტოვან ნაყენს განაზავებენ 1 ჩაის ჭიქა წყალში და გამოივლებენ ნახევარ ჭიქას ყოველ 2 სთ-ში). გულყვითელასაგან ამზადებენ ნაყენს: 10 გ სამკურნალო ნედლეულს დაასხამენ 100 გ მდუღარე წყალს, გააგრილებენ და გადაწურავენ. მიღებულ სითხეს განზავებული სახით (1 ჭიქა ნაყენი 2 ჩაის ჭიქა წყალთან) გამოივლებენ პირის ღრუსა და ყელში ანთებითი პროცესების დროს, ან სვამენ 1 ჩაის კოვზს ჭამის წინ, როგორც ნაღველმდენ საშუალებას. გულყვითელას ყვავილების ფხვნილისაგან ამზადებენ მალამოს, რომელიც გამოიყენება ეგზემის დროს. გულყვითელა გამოიყენება სამკურნალო კოსმეტიკაშიც. ცხიმოვანი სებორეის დროს, კარგ შედეგს იძლევა განზავებული სპირტიანი ნაყენით სახის გაწმენდა. შესაძლებელია ნიღბის გაკეთებაც. ამ მიზნით გულყვითელას სპირტიან ნაყენს წყლით განაზავებენ (1:1). მიღებული სითხით დასველებულ მარლას დაიფენენ სახის კანზე 15-20 წთ-ის განმავლობაში. ნიღბის მოცილების შემდეგ სახეს მშრალი ტამპონით შეიშრობენ. ეს პროცედურა ხელს უწყობს სახის კანისგან ჭარბი ცხიმის მოცილებას. სახის კანზე ფერისმჭამელებიანი გამონაყარის დროს ხმარობენ გულყვითელას ზეთოვან ნაყენს. მის დასამზადებლად 1 წილ გულყვითელას ყვავილებს დაასხამენ 5 წილ ზეითუნის ზეთს, დააყოვნებენ 2-3 კვირა, გადაწურავენ, მიღებულ ზეთს წაისვამენ ფერისმჭამელებიან კანზე.
სტატია მოგვაწოდა მაიკო ლომსაძემ
დაამატა marika-mk
ორშაბათი, 07 მაისი 2012 წ. 12:08
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 6926
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დაამატა FrankJScott
ოთხშაბათი, 13 ოქტომბერი 2021 წ. 16:44
ISO Standardization Is A Crucial Element To The Growth Of Your Business
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 6926
Standardization Is The Most Important Factor To Your Success On The Market Let's put it in perspective there are only just a handful of the most commonly used standards in medical care. Medicine is among the most sought after areas globally. Because of the increasing demand for medical services, compliance with appropriate international standards is vital. It is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements regarding international standards. In addition, we stress the fact that standards are suitable for the manufacture of medical equipment, components, and appliances. They could also be crucial for home and environmental usage. If you have any questions about the details and specifics of the recommended documents, contact iTeh ( https://standards.iteh.ai ) to clarify all the details you are interested in. We're always ready to assist with the selection of international standards that will best suit your business. iTeh Inc represents safe and effective advancements. See the most popular iso catalog standards iso-8249-2000 info. Innovation Management - Basics And Terminology (Iso 56000.2020) EN ISO 56000:2021 Explanatory documents are created to support technical standards, for instance, describing the security of information. This is to prevent misperceptions of the term. EN ISO 56000, 2021 is an example. This document provides the basic concepts, terminology, and principles of innovation management as well as their methodical implementation. This document is applicable to:A) Organizations who have implemented an innovative management system;B. organizations that require improvement in their ability to control innovation processesc) users, customers and other relevant parties (e.g. Suppliers, partners and institutions for funding, investors as also universities and public officials who wish to be confident in the capabilities of the organization's innovators.d) Organizations and interested parties seeking to enhance communication through a common understanding of the terms used in innovation managemente) providers of training in, assessment of, or consultancy for, innovation management and innovation management systems;F) The developers of innovation management and related standard1.2 This document is applicable to all types of companies, regardless of size and maturity, sector or nature.b) any kind of innovation, e.g. Model, product, service, and method can all be considered from the incremental to the radical.C) all types of strategies, e.g. open and internal innovation user-, markettechnology and design-driven innovations.This document specifies the terms and definitions applicable to every innovation management and management system requirements developed by ISO/TC 279.There are a huge number of clarifying features in this standard, we suggest to study the entire document and compare them against the technology base of your organization to ensure that this document allows you to achieve the most effective promotion of your company internationally. See the most popular cen catalog standards en-17322-2020 blog. Characterization And Determination Of Bulk Materials And Crystalline Silica Content. Part 1. Information About The General Aspects And Choices Of Testing Methods EN 17289-1:2020 The wide range of products and materials complicates regulation both locally, as well as globally. International standards are being developed to ease the process for organisations and companies to enter new markets.This document provides details on the specifications and testing methods that can be employed to measure the dimensions of the fine fraction of crystal silica (SWFFCS), in bulk materials.This document provides guidelines on the preparation and determination using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Pulsed Diffractometry.EN 17289-2 specifies a method to calculate the size-weighted fine fraction by measuring the size distribution and assumes that the distribution of size of the crystalline silica particles is identical to that of the other particles found in the bulk material. EN 1789-3 provides a liquid sedimentation procedure to calculate the size-weighted fine silica fraction of crystal. Both methods are subject to limitations and assumptions, which are described in EN 1789-2 and EN 17289-3. The EN 17289-3 method can also be suitable for other constituents that are not CS in the event that it is validated.This document can be used to describe the bulk materials containing crystalline silicona that have been fully examined and validated in order to determine the size-weighted fine fraction, as well as crystalsilica.If your field of work comes into direct contact with one of the items listed in this document, its inclusion in your documentation base for technology can greatly assist in the process of increasing production. The link to our website provides more detail. Have a look at the top rated sist catalog standards sist-en-iso-13897-2018 info. Machine Tools Safety - Presses - Part 4: Safety Requirements For Pneumatic Presses (Iso 16092-4:2019) EN ISO 16092-4:2020 Safety is a crucial factor in the creation of the regulatory framework that is applicable to a production or an organization. This is the reason why there are many international standards that touch on this topic. One of them is EN ISO 160922-4: 2020.This document, along with ISO 16092-1, specifies the requirements for safety in the workplace and procedures to be implemented by anyone involved in the design, manufacture and supply of pneumatic presses which are designed to work with cold metal or material partly comprised of cold metal.This document addresses the various risks that can affect pneumatic presses if they are employed in line to their intended purpose and in conditions of misuse that are reasonably predicted by the manufacturer (see Clause 4) All the phases of the life of the machine as described in ISO 12100:2010, 5.4, have been considered.If you're interested, visit the link on our site to view the full technical specifications. Also, contact the team with any questions or clarifications. Check out the top electronics articles blog blog. Health Informatics- Device Interoperability. Part 20701- Point-Of-Care Medical Communications. Service Oriented Medical Devices Exchange Architecture And Binding To Protocols. (Iso/Ieee 11073-20701:2020). EN ISO 11073-20701:2020 The use of communication technologies is in many areas, not just those that are directly related to the field, but also in medical industries. Because the introduction of multiple devices in medicine is complex and requires the restructuring of existing systems, international documents will be created to aid these processes. This standard addresses a service-oriented device design and the specification of a communication protocol. It is applicable to distributed systems of PoC (Point-of-Care) medical devices as well as to medical IT systems that require data exchange as well as security-conscious control over PoC medical equipment. It defines the functional elements as well as the communication relations and binding to protocols specifications.This document is specialized and narrowly profiled. We recommend that you study the technical specifications and talk to professionals who are knowledgeable about international document choice. Check out the top rated cen catalog standards cen-tr-15645-3-2008 information.
დაამატა FrankJScott
სამშაბათი, 08 ნოემბერი 2022 წ. 05:57
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 6926
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What are the primary Autonomous Mobile Robot Advantages 1. More Flexibility Autonomous Mobile Robots are flexible and agile due to the fact that they rely on onboard sensors and cameras to perform. Autonomous Mobile Robots can create their own paths between Point A to Point B within the facility. This allows them to bypass obstacles instead of following predetermined routes. Autonomous Mobile Robots are also able to perform new tasks more quickly than other automation technologies that usually require more work and time to modify. Check out this Warehouse robotics info for more. 2. Safety - Increased Autonomous Mobile Robots have a lot of cameras and sensors. They enable the Autonomous Mobile Robots to understand and interpret their environment. This lets them move efficiently within a facility without having to cross paths with objects, people, infrastructure or other obstacles. But, the equipment used by human operators (e.g. forklifts) do not have as many safety measures and depend on input from humans. Autonomous Mobile Robots reduce the chance of human operators being exhausted or distracted, resulting in accidents. Autonomous Mobile Robots can be used to perform repetitive tasks to lower the risk of human error and improve safety in a facility. 3. Rapid Implementation Autonomous Mobile Robots are typically deployed within four to six weeks according to the particulars of the process. It is crucial to pick the software and warehouse execution software which the units have to be integrated into. Even for those at the top end of the spectrum this is a very small amount of time particularly when compared to other technologies. A goods-to-person-system (G2P) could take more than a year to implement. 4. Scalability Autonomous Mobile Robots can be easily installed within an establishment. This allows you to follow a modular system of deployment. Start with a few units, and then increase the number as your company grows or your needs change. This will help you reduce the cost of an initial investment because instead of buying a huge amount of Autonomous Mobile Robots all at once, you are able to start with one or two and increase the number of units you have in the course of time. The modular deployment helps save capital and lets you put money into other projects. You also have the opportunity to analyze the effect Autonomous Mobile Robots can have on your business and determine the what next steps to take. 5. It is easy to move between facilities Some operations might be hesitant to explore automation options since they know that the transition to a new facility will soon be possible. This thinking makes perfect sense to ask: why would you implement a new system if it will be decommissioned in two years once the new facility is built? In these situations, Autonomous Mobile Robots can be used to bridge the gap in the interim. Autonomous Mobile Robots can be deployed swiftly and effortlessly between facilities, which allows automated processes in the short term. Autonomous Mobile Robots are a great option for firms to operate temporarily an operation during the holiday season or for operations that require a move within the next few years.
დაამატა FrankJScott
პარასკევი, 04 თებერვალი 2022 წ. 17:58
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 6926
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