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დაამატა FrankJScott
სამშაბათი, 12 ოქტომბერი 2021 წ. 15:10
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 6926
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ოთხშაბათი, 13 ოქტომბერი 2021 წ. 17:36
ISO Standardization Is A Key To The Growth Of Your Business
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 21 სექტემბერი 2021 წ. 22:29 კომენტარები: 6926
Medical Electrical Equipment - Part 1-9: General Requirements For Basic Safety And Essential Performance - Collateral Standard Requirements For Environmentally Conscious Design En 60601-1-9:2008 Environment is the term used to describe the protection of all humans. Technology is always changing, but it's important to maintain safety for every new system. This is the reason that standards have been created to protect medical equipment. The objective of this collateral standard is to enhance the environmental impact for the entire range of medical electrical equipment, taking into account all stages of the product life cycle The process includes: - specification of the product; - design; - manufacturing; - sales, logistics installation, and sales; - use; - the management of end-of-life. This includes protecting the environment from harmful substances as well as human health , as also preserving raw materials and energy. From the time of specification to the end of equipment management, the requirements that are required to meet this goal must be considered. You can find more details on this document by going to the website. Check out the recommended cen catalog standards en-13203-1-2015 information. International Standardizations: Innovative Technologies Innovative technologies are transforming the globe. Every minute of every second is a new day. A new method to utilize existing technologies is being created every second. The world is constantly changing due to this. Given that the abundance of electronic devices and communication, as well as the abundance of artificial intelligence, significantly impacts our lives, the maintenance of these devices in chaos could have disastrous consequences for humanity. Additionally, data leakage is becoming a major issue with the rapid growth of data transfer techniques and the internet. We will provide you with international standards for safe data transmission and also technical advice regarding how these technologies can be utilized. Check out the top rated clc catalog standards en-iec-60964-2019-ac-2019-08 review. Bulk Materials Characterization - Determination Of Fine Fractions That Are Weighted By Size And Crystalline Silica Content – Part 3: Sedimentation Method EN 17289-3:2020 There are a variety of methods to be employed for the creation and use of different materials. Each requires a distinct level of regulation depending on the scale of the undertaking. One of the documents that standardizes the method of application for crystallized silica is EN 17289-3: 2020.This document details the calculation of the size-weighted portion (SWFF) and also as the fine portion of crystallized silicona (SWFFCS) that is derived from bulk materials. It employs the method of liquid sedimentation.This document is designed to help users evaluate bulk materials in relation to their size-weighted fine fraction or crystalline silica.This document is applicable to crystalline silicona containing bulk materials that have been fully examined and verified in order to determine the size-weighted fine fraction as well as crystallinesilica.The specification of production methods greatly eases the process of creating an effective control system. If you're interested in expanding your market share, we recommend you purchase international standards for your facility. Check out the best iso catalog standards iso-iec-14517-1996 blog. Software Engineering And Systems - Software Product Quality Requirements And Evaluation (Square) (Square) Common Industry Format (Cif) For Usability: User Requirements Specification (Iso 25065:2019) EN ISO 25065:2020 The quality of software is now the most important factor in making sure that your company is in a position of strength in the global market. It is important to know the current international requirements in order to fully understand the market. These requirements can be found within documents such as EN ISO 25065 - 2020.This document provides a structure and consistent terminology to describe user requirements. It defines the industry standard format (CIF) for a user requirement specification including the content elements as well as the format for stating those requirements.A user requirements specification outlines the formal documentation and requirements of the set. It can be used to aid in the creation as well as the evaluation and maintenance of usable interactive software.In this document, user requirements refers specifically to: a) user-system interaction requirements for the achievement of desired outcomes (including specifications for system outputs and their attributes) and b) quality-related requirements for use which define the quality standards related to the outcomes of users ' interactions with the interactive system and may be used to determine the level of acceptance for the system.ISO/IEC 25030 introduces the new concept of quality requirements. The document contains a specific kind of quality obligation, namely the user-specific requirements. The elements of content in the user specification are intended for use in documentation resulting both from the ISO9241-210 activities as well as from human-centered design processes like ISO9241-220.This document is for requirements engineers as well as product managers, owner, and business analysts who are accountable for the acquisition of systems from different organizations. CIF is a collection of standards that deal with information related to usability, as described in ISO 9241-11 or ISO/IEC TR 25060.User requirements might not just be about usability, but they could can also encompass other perspectives such as human-centred quality, ISO 9241-220, ISO/IEC 25011, ISO/IEC 25030, and other aspects of quality in ISO/IEC 2510.This document was created for interactive systems. However, it can be applied to other domains. This document doesn't prescribe any type of procedure, lifecycle, or method. Iterative development, which involves the creation and development of requirements (e.g. as in agile development). The implementation of the international standard will greatly improve your professional work and also help to create a structure for your current system, opening up new opportunities for conquering new markets and scaling your business. Check out the recommended cen catalog standards en-iso-11591-2011 information. Health Informatics - Standard Communications Protocol - Computer-Assisted Electrocardiography EN 1064:2020 Despite the fact that literally 10 years ago when technology was being introduced in the medical field was quite slow, over the last few years and in the fact that more and more attention is being paid to human health, new developments and developments are focused precisely in the medical sector. Security of human lives is the main concern of this industry. Information security is therefore a major concern. EN 1064 is 2020 is an example of such international standards.This document defines the standard standards that are needed to allow cart/to cart and cart/to host exchange of particular patient information. This includes data on the patient's demographics, recording, ...), ECG signal information, ECG measurement results, and ECG interpretation. This document outlines the format and format of the data which will be exchanged between electronic ECG carts and computer ECG management systems, and other systems on computers where ECG data is stored.You will see a huge improvement in your company's capability to compete in the current market when you follow this standard. Click on the hyperlink below to read more about it. Check out the top rated iso catalog standards iso-iec-ieee-8802-a-2015-amd-2-2019 information.
დაამატა FrankJScott
სამშაბათი, 08 ნოემბერი 2022 წ. 02:54
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ორშაბათი, 24 იანვარი 2022 წ. 22:57
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დაამატა aromacca
სამშაბათი, 25 იანვარი 2022 წ. 07:05
დარეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 25 იანვარი 2022 წ. 07:01 კომენტარები: 61
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სამშაბათი, 08 თებერვალი 2022 წ. 21:23
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