რეგისტრირებულია: სამშაბათი, 08 მარტი 2022 წ. 11:22
შეტყობინებები: 4
SWTOR's latest expansion, Legacy Of The Sith, is under fire from players on Twitter, Reddit and other platforms. The base game was released on November 21, 2011, and the current expansion pack is out on February 15, 2022.The problems players faced included a series of bugs and some questionable design decisions, such as an overhauled user interface. But players first complained about the short story mode, which was not very friendly for them to earn SWTOR Credits. The biggest criticism was the term used to describe Legacy Of The Sith, with players refusing to even call it an expansion.However, there are still some loyal fans playing the game who are actively earning SWTOR Credits to improve their character strength. But in my opinion, the easiest way is to choose a reliable website to buy SWTOR Credits.Players can choose https://www.iggm.com/ to buy SWTOR Credits, this website has a 100% secure online payment system and has a large inventory of SWTOR Credits, which can provide players with cheap SWTOR Credits. Come on!