The prescription 1. Purging lungs and promoting a Gud sleep.
Preparation:10 g sprouts spruce + 10 g pine sprouts + 200 ml of boiled water. We settle 30 minutes and it is transfused through a filter. Method of application:it is accepted two times a day (in the morning and in the evening) on 200 ml 10 days once a month. A course 3 month.
The prescription 2. Tea intensifying respiration.
Preparation:10 g Arrowwood + 10 g eucalyptus leaves + 10 g sage + 10 g malva wood+ 200 ml of boiled water. We settle 30 minutes and it is transfused through a filter.
Method of application:it is accepted two times a day (in the morning and in the evening) on 200 ml 10 days once a month. A course 3 month.